Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Darndest Things!

My date sauce apparently makes fantastic, he didn't eat a drop!

"Osrid Olov, HOW did you manage to pee on me?" (whilst wearing a cloth nappy, which remained mysteriously completely dry) "I try..."

I was getting a bit concerned for O.O.'s language development because he used to be able to form a lot of words, and then wasn't speaking so much at all. However he has been very occupied with other developments I.E. learning to walk and run that speaking wasn't on his mind. I mean, he was jibber-jabbering a lot but not many words. Now our chatterbox is saying lots of things again. The cutest is when he says "Good Daddy" to Paul. Ooohhhh that makes a mother's heart melt.

He is also identifying colours pretty well when we play games. If I ask him to hand me a green ball, he will, for instance. He seems to really enjoy learning about colours and exploring music I.E. with his xylophone and the likes-but not just instruments, for he will use ANYTHING as a drum!

Osrid Olov has been loving bath time recently-it is like therapy for him, I think! When he gets too wound up and I run out of things to do, bath time, and instantly I've got my calm happy guy back. He splashes half of the bath water out of the tub but man, does it make my kid happy to splash...splash me, splash himsself, splash the floor. I love having that resource to make him so happy.

Overall, I think our little man is doing great!

Wednesday 7 December 2011


I have been recently getting worried for Osrid Olov, for largely no reason...he is 13 months old as of tomorrow and does not have ANY interest in solid foods whatsoever! He is exclusively breastfed.

We follow child-led solids, which is now even recommended by most health professionals around the world as children being spoon fed prematurely can lead to digestive troubles, eating disorders, food allergies and several other health issues. However; mostly they recommend that a child will start to eat of their own accord around 6 months. Osrid is far past this! I took him to a doctor (even though I am usually not into western medicine) at 8 1/2 months for some oral pains he was suffering, and she was not concerned that he had not started solid foods-it is apparently very common for breastfed babes. I still thought; maybe there is something I should be worried about.

I feel reassured now; because I have talked to some Mum friends of mine who have had children not start eating until around 2, 3 years old, and one mother even told me that her son did not eat a bite of food until he was 5 1/2 years old! She told me that her doctor said he would be perfectly fine if he did not eat even into adulthood, because he was growing and developing perfectly well otherwise.

...Well, I can say the same for O.O.! He is very healthy, very happy, he weighs over 20 lbs, is a powerhouse of energy. So all I need to do really is just continue what we are doing: engaging him in meal times, offering him mini meals (a bite sized amount or two) that are the same as our own ect (I offered him, for instance, some dates yesterday and some organic rye bread today-both of which he threw on the floor!)...and he will eat, when he is ready! If he is not eating, his digestive system is probably unprepared for solid food. I do not want to give him food allergies, bowel disorders, immune system failures and who knows what else by pushing, pressuring or forcing him to eat. I trust that he knows his body and what it needs, and until the time comes, I am providing him with EVERYTHING that he needs (and hey, he's keeping me healthy too for "extended" breastfeeding wards off cancer and other disease). He is healthy as a horse, the only illness he has ever had was a very minor bout of dhiarrhoea (knock on wood) and he recovered quickly.

What I need to do though; is wear a thick skin-the criticism of others is already starting, and it will get much worse as he is older (if he does not wean that is). I need to shrug it off-I'm doing what's best for my little guy by meeting HIS needs, whatever they may be :)

On a side note I am so proud of him; he blew air for the first time yesterday. The reason this is important is because he has been trying for a very long time but keeps trying through closed lips and makes very funny sounds :) For some reason, he finds it very funny when we blow at his face, cracks up into giggles (maybe it tickles him?) and he can finally do it back.

He is walking like a champ too, and runs very well, but still isn't seeming to want to walk outside-but, it will come.

He is such a very good boy, we get so many compliments for what a sweet young man he is. I am soooo lucky for he rarely ever gets upset in public (when he does get in the slightest way upset though, I pick him up and take him need to let it elevate to tantrums when I have all the time in the world to go back when he's feeling better and do other things), smiles sweetly at others, and is just such an angel. I am such a proud mother.


I have recently come to a few realisations-things that I knew, perhaps, but did not fully realise and recognise.

I find myself very attracted to negativity; because I yearn so strongly for what is fair and just and wish to correct the injustices in the world. This is, in a sense, a good thing-this yearning for goodness-but much of it also creates within me a great dwelling of negativity which festers and cannot let go of this negativity. My thoughts are consumed with hurt for others who are hurting, and pain caused indirectly to me by people and companies in the world which are hurtful.

This is not to say that I wish to no longer engage in activism. Rather; I want to continue with a new light. I need to not waste my time arguing semantics with people who do not wish to listen. I must send my message clearly and trust that it has been heard. Some people will choose never to hear truth; but that is not a problem that needs to weigh on my shoulders. I must focus on enlightenment-I will inform, and be informed by others-those who do not wish to belong to this process need not fill my thoughts with worry. This is going to be a great challenge, who knows if I will ever get there 100%; but I know I must try to shake this weight in its heavy burden from my heart.

Another realisation I made is that I often feel I do not live inside my body, in the present moment. My mind is always wondering, it seems, no matter what I am doing. Indian philosophy emphasises that the mind and the body are not seperate, they are one entity. I believe this; in my heart of hearts, I KNOW that my mind must live inside my body. I want to think about what I am doing, in any exact moment, and be fully present in that moment. I don't want to be thinking about what I need from the store, how much it angers me that X company hurts the environment, or what I'll make for dinner when I am playing with my son or trying to sleep! What clutter it is, that fills my mind. I want to think about how fun it is racing wooden cars with Osrid, how good it feels to have a cuddle, how exciting it is to combine flavours when I'm making food...I could go on and on, but then I would be doing it right now-lacking in focus for the current moment. I must align my body with my mind, for they are one and the same.

I meditated this morning, and thanked myself for these lessons. It is amazing what can happen when we look inside ourselves.

Friday 18 November 2011

What Have We Been Up To...

I have not posted on here in a while, and I should be more regularly as I am also using this as a log for myself to look back upon Osrid Olov's progresses in life. Things, however, have been so busy!

This little guy is walking now; REALLY walking, and it's getting so hard to keep up with him. Just now he is running around the living room and kitchen in front of us-it is fascinating watching him run around.

He has a wonky leg, which I am a bit worried about-he walks sideways often and lifts the leg out to the side. This is the leg that got lodged up in me during late pregnancy and broke 2 of my ribs (1 of which is dislocated still). I want to take him to a chiropractor but, aside from the fact that we have no money; there are none anywhere near us or any of the out of town bus stops for that matter. Poor little 'Sriddle.

We have been trying play with him in his playroom for some time every day now that it is all made up-he goes nuts and wants to run and stomp everywhere. He is finally using his toy lawnmower toy in it's intended purpouse (standing up and pushing it around). Soooo cute. He brings me little books to read but is not very interested in books right now so I only get through a few pages of the stories at a time and he is wanting to do something else already. I am not worried about this though, I am sure his attention span will grow with time.

I try to take him outside as much as I can but we don't even have proper shoes for him yet so it is hard as he is getting very heavy (20 lbs of kid now). He will get some soon though, I think ;) I just hope he does OK with walking when we go outside as he has been going through a phase now of getting very upset a lot of the time that I am not holding him on my hip (and no-one else will do, only Mummy...sometimes taking a bathroom break can get rough, but I am never gone for more than a minute-nor do I want to be).

And that's the news...I love my little 'Sriddle Kiddle.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

My Little Guy is 1!

I cannot believe it-officially a toddler.
We had a lovely day yesterday. Osrid Olov opened presents-he got so much stuff! A new outfit, new cloth nappies, a DJ station toy (he is REALLY into making music) with like 80 gazillion sound effects, a cuddly colourful spider with a mirror on the belly, new slippers, and a swim spider (octopus) that he picked out at a shoppe window from Mum & Dad, Grandparents on Dad's side gave him a wooden Xylophone (more music stuff, cool!) and toy cars, uncle Matthew got him a stacking animal toy set, Grandad on my side sent some $ (which no doubt he will blow at the casino when we are asleep), and great grandparents on my side seem to have sent a bit of that too-and we also got some nice cards from everyone. Thanks everybody!

It was raining, as it always seems to in North Cornwall (seriously. EVERY. DAY.), so instead of going to the Newquay aquarium like we had planned we decided to just bundle O.O. up and take him for a walk downtown. It is the first time we have been down there because it is a little bit of a walk away, but it is quite nice. Lots of ships on the quay. The people are very friendly here, which is nice. We all got quite winded at the end of the walk but fortunately some nice people at a seafood restaurant (ironic) called a cab for us.

We did a hand and foot print of Osrid's with carob powder and water-I forgot to buy paint but it is just as well, less of a carbon footprint this way I suppose. Totally nontoxic and Ozzie liked making a mess with it.

I can't help being a bit is hard for a mother watching her babe grow. I sort of wish he could stay small forever, he is so sweet and cute and special. <3 Aww, my little boy! Just don't grow up too fast...

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Step, step, step!

Our sweet little boy has taken his first step on Monday! Just one, and then stood for a moment before tumbling on his bum-so cute-and did this once more that day, then another on Tuesday. How cool! We are so excited for him. We have also got him his first pairs of big boy training pants since he is getting so good at tinkling at his potty. We've had some accidents but we're all learning, and I am sure we will get the hang of it soon. They're washable, so who cares :) I'm so proud of my sweet guy. Growing up so fast!

Friday 21 October 2011

Hello, Padstow ~ Goodbye, Looe

We have a new home!

We've relocated to Padstow, Cornwall. A sudden move, yes-but the Cornish Council decided to house us and we weren't exactly going to say no!
We have a gorgeous 2 story, 2br/2ba house with a teeny tiny backyard that has 2 sheds (one of which is reserved to be a fort...yes, a fort.
We have converted the downstairs living room into our bedroom because we like the open-ness, and we are going to create an "imagination room" which will one day be Osrid Olov's room when he decides he is ready for his own bedroom. This will be the YES room-we plan to have nothing in there that's dangerous to play near (I.E. television wires) but only toys and games and everything that CAN be done and played with and imagined. We just have to get this place carpeted...I can't believe they didn't do that for us. D'oh. Oh well, is quite lovely here (minus a few chavs). We're very close to the Tesco's too. We've gone 100% vegan, and for the first time in over 4 years I am starting to feel better...I feel full of life! I've been walking every day and cooking my own food...mostly raw, as well-I'm indexing my recipes, which you can find here. Tonight we had raw creamy corn chowder & cookies. Yummy. Osrid is doing great, he is standing up all on his own now; little boy is having his first birthday in two weeks! He is nearing the end of infancy...onward to toddlerhood. Oh my!

Friday 7 October 2011

A Spot Of Tea & A Foot Detox?

We spent a lovely evening over at the Althouse-Heale's. We drank lots of ginger & lime tea and visited with Steph, Tom, Anne, and Finnley when he could poke his head out-and I got my feet detoxed. Ooooh, what a treat that is! Osrid loves being in my lap when I have it done, too-he gets very happy and cuddly and playful. I think he must be sensitive to the vibrations from the footbath coming through my body and he must enjoy them. It has been far too long since I had that done-I wish I could do it every day.

Tom and O.O. really had a blast playing together-Tom brought out his drumsticks and they made some fun beats together. Osrid Olov also got to have a 'swordfight' with everyone there (as well as make me a bit nervous of being bashed in the eye, ;P) I think everyone had a lot of fun seeing O.O., but especially Tom (some paternal instincts coming out, perhaps? :)) who was so kind as to let him play with his toys and even let him keep a little red car that he likes ever so much.

I also had some great conversations! For instance, talking to the lovely Anne about one of my all time favourite subjects, SPIDERS. Also, learning that Tom, Max (his & Finn's brother, who was not present) and Finn grew up vaccine-free. If you know me, you know how strongly against vaccines I am. As they seem to be some of the healthiest people I know, this makes me very happy. It also absolutely tickled me when we were discussing various aspects of parenting ---I'm not exactly sure how this came up, but Anne and Tom were asking Paul & I about various things about what it is like ect and somehow I came onto the subject of disciplining and how we don't even use time-outs beca-"what are time outs?" "yeah, what are time-outs?" Neither of them had ever heard of them! When I explained (using such things as being sent to ones room and put on a naughty step I.E. supernanny shows), they agreed they sounded horrible and can't see why people would do that to their children (it only makes them lash out more, anyway). It makes me happy to talk about gentle parenting practices even to people who arent' parents yet-it gives me hope yet for others to come. :)

I can't believe all this junk was in my body!!!!!!! Yuck!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Bink And Plue, Mum!

The most adorable things have been chiming out of this sweet little boys' mouth...he is now saying "Mum" "Mommy" "Mama" ect. to me/when he wants me as much as he is saying "Dad" "Daddy" "Dadda" to/about his old man. Also, he repeated "Bink and Plue"----the names of our spiders, Pink and Blue!

Monday 3 October 2011

Oh, books!

Sweet little O.O....
yesterday Paul was going through some things in the room and he plonked a few of O.O.'s hardback storybooks down on the bed. The excitement! He was in my lap and I was playing with him and half-arsedly reading something on my laptop-but immediately he wanted to grab for all of them. I shut down the laptop to read with him but he could not figure out which one he wanted first and ended up drumming on half of them before he decided. I truly think he may be bound to be a drummer, mm hmm!

We ended up reading some counting/picture book with a 3-D caterpillar in it, a Thomas the Tank Engine book with a button that made puffing noises-which O.O. pushed at every opportunity-and about half of The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle, which Osrid was more interested at looking at the cover of.

...and everything has been going quite well with him in general, I would say. He's such a happy, playful, chattery little guy, and we are the two luckiest parents in the world (of course we would think so, but come on! Just look at the little fella :)).

Saturday 1 October 2011

Our Family Bed

My dear, sweet, precious dreamers
Sweet husband and son
I'll love you both for always 


1 October: I feel a bit "blah" at the minute.
It's been 6 years since I lost my mother (as of last night that is)-and I am lowering medications at the minute as part of a gradual effort to bring myself back to being a somewhat well-being person again (something that I do not hold breaths that I will ever return to my former state of health, but, even 50% would make me happy). These as well as various other little odds and ends have me in a bit of a brain fog at the moment, but I am trying to keep my head on. Remind me to invent a dry-erase-board shirt...of course, I would probably throw the marker in the warsh.

Just a note I have to share (I am sure someday you will be reading all this, saying "MOOOM!!! THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!!", but I am so proud of you my little Osrid Olov!)-a couple of days ago Osrid made 2 poops on his potty and 7 tinkles...the next day we lost count as we went nappy free for much of the day for the first time! I am very proud of how well he did. Yesterday he did a few tinkles but we weren't as vigilant as, well, I was feeling very foggy. To make matters worse in all of this I have hardly gotten any sleep last night-just my brain's doing, and I am not thinking about much of anything productive to boot. Heck.

The upside is that we had some really nice cuddly time together as a family watching some silly TV shows...or should I say, Paul and I did, while Osrid was using me as a bed. I don't mind that-he is a good body warmer.

We have also spent some time in the garden the other day again, just me and Ozzy-he really is loving green, not as much as pink but I think it may be his second favourite colour. The strange thing is that he seems to hate getting down on the grass-it terrifies him and he wants to be picked up right away (and I do, of course).

I tried to read another book I pulled off the shelf with O.O. a couple of times too but he has let me get through a whole of about 5 sentences before shutting and using as a drum-I think he may be destined to be a drummer-but in all fairness I didn't think it was a very interesting book, either.

What a journey is learning and loving.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Good Daddy!

Tuesday, 27 September: A special shoutout to wish a happy belated birthday to Osrid Olov's uncle Dodo, who turned 27 yesterday!
& Now the news: our little one has broken his record thus far and has made 7 tinkles on his potty today. Go Osrid! What a clever little tinkler. He said what had to be the cutest thing I think I have heard him say, when Paul praised him post tinkle with a "Good Ozzie!" he replied with a smile and said "Good Daddy!" "aww, why thank you 'Srid!" Doesn't that make your heart melt? It makes my heart melt.

We have been walking around quite a bit, which is really wearing and tearing my poor fibromyte (read: vax-injured) body, but I want to be better about getting O.O. out in the fresh air now that the sun is majoratively gone (sun allergies). All I want to do lately is sleep. It can so hard sometimes to do the right thing when you're ill, but Osrid Olov comes first and foremost in my life above all others, even myself, and it will always be so! I sure do love my kid, and I sure do feel lucky. It keeps raining when we go out though, which is frustrating as, well, as much as I love the cold I am not much for cold water. Drat.

A footnote, I had to add: I managed to catch one of the nasty gnats and tossed it into the web one of the spiders who lives in our bathroom. She ran out and wrapped it up right away and looked very happy, which sure made me happy too :D I love feeding spiders!
Our pretty little bathroom door spider

Saturday 24 September 2011

Rain Comes Down...

It's Saturday, 24 September.

I can't say I've had much news of interest to post as of late, I guess things have just been going as they should. Our little comrade Osrid Olov has been really expanding his vocabulary the past couple of days-oh the words he has been saying are absolutely out of this world! He is really testing out the beginning of the alphabet, using words like "Apple" and "Anger" (he really likes this one, but says it even when he is happy and giggling! Odd little man!!!). He is still saying "I like it" to so many things-he really likes the things he does and is so very passionate. Just like his Mommy :)

We took a little walk downtown today, just the two of us-Paul was a bit worn out feeling-there was some music festival going on but it was not very loud nor was it that crowded considering. It was a busy day, but, for what it was, not very bad at all-no more so than your usual summer day full of out-of-towners. The strange part was that Adrian Edmonson (Eddie from Bottom) was, supposedly, down in Looe today-considering this you would think it would have been PACKED, right? I didn't even know he was down there, but Paul told me after I had already got home. That is a real shame as I would have liked to have seen him. We might go back though, he is supposed to be here through the weekend.We'll see. We saw Claire downtown today, which was nice especially as I don't think she has met O.O. yet, and she let me use her phone since I needed to get ahold of Paul. It started to rain while we were out, I wished I had taken a better jacket for O.O., but I just decided to head back (in a taxicab) early. Osrid was so very quiet and well behaved-and shy, as he always is whenever I take him anywhere. My cute little guy didn't make a peep until we got back inside...and then he was back chattering away, telling Daddy all about how his walk went. "DADDY, HI! HEY DADDY, HEEY!"...that's my boy.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

2 1/2 New Friends :) (or should I say 6?!)

I haven't posted in a couple of days!

Sunday was a nice day spent lazing around at home-well, somewhat-Osrid Olov wasn't lazing-when is he ever? He was playing and chattering and standing as always. He was LOVING his Danish computer games that we play at and didn't want to do anything else for ages, which made me very happy. I love that he is so interested in it too. Pottying went well-we got another 4 tinkles, no plops though.

Yesterday was so lovely...what fun we had! Osrid had a shower and got to play his Dansk lessons and we went out in the afternoon to visit our lovely friends Mr. & Mrs. Sands which have just now moved over to the West side of town, which is wonderful as we can walk to their house in about 15 minutes. We saw some BEAUTIFUL spiders on the walk over! One was almost as big as my fist, I have never seen one so big in Cornwall before. I don't know what type she was but fortunately I managed to snap a photo(above) there was also a very cute little one adjacent to it that I had to photograph, too.

We were really glad to get to go and visit James and Sam especially as they have announced a couple of weeks ago that they are pregnant!!! Which means Osrid will have a new friend along shortly. It made us SO happy to have someone nearby to talk to about parenting and kid stuff and them too. This was Osrid's first time meeting them; he just loves them, and I am just elated that they share our views on gentle parenting. I worry when I have friends who get pregnant that they will be the type of parents who religiously follow the advice from the likes of Gina Ford & Tizzie Hall and leave them to cry & scream themselves to sleep until they are internally silenced. I have lost friends over some of my extreme views but despite that I respect people handling things differently I could never condone the sad and blatant neglectfulness that the majority of the western world seems to practice these days-which just makes me so feel so warm and fuzzy when I meet other people who are actually truly happy to have their children. A huge congratulations to James & Sam!

Paul went to see the doc & tell her we are not seeing Osrid's HV (nasty wench...) anymore. She was fine with that but was insistent we wean Osrid...this is the 3rd time I've heard a health professional mention weaning at a year or earlier, it doesn't surprise me the breastfeeding rates are so low in this country with such unsupportive doctors and "health" visitors. It must be illegal to give that kind of advice since it goes against World Health Organisation recommendations!! It seems insane...thankfully I know better than to listen. She wants to see O. but, unless he breaks a leg or something *touches wood* we don't plan on it. I'm glad Paul sees eye to eye with me with pretty much everything regarding our little one. I am so lucky. <3

We also had a nice little walk on the quay-I always love looking at the sailboats on the sea side, but I can't help that they make me nostalgic missing my dear old Dad. Heck.

We didn't get to bed until midnight which has been very late considering we've been falling asleep at dusk recently (strange, right-but we fall asleep whenever Osrid happens to.) This morning we got 2 tinkles on the potty so far, yesterday we only managed to get 3 for the whole day but that was probably because we were out. He also made a bit of a pooey gooey mess, augh, the joys of being a parent (Paul is at a seminar) it was shower time for BOTH of us goodness. I am so tired, but I really do have the cutest time eater in all the land. Oh, and we have another spider that Paul found crawling across the floor of the bathroom this morning- she appears to be carrying a little egg sac of her own!! Aww!

Saturday 17 September 2011


Saturday, 17th September:

How proud could two parents get! Our little boy not only made FOUR more tinkles on his potty today, but also, a poop! Hooray Osrid! What a wonderful, clever boy. He was very eager and happy to go out of his nappy too-smiles and giggles(I wish I could get that excited about using the loo, ha ha).

He has been generally a bit unsettled today-not terribly upset, but a bit unsettled-hungry but having trouble feeding, squirming uncomfortably with his thumb in his mouth. He seems like he is cutting teeth something fierce. We have given him some Rescue Remedy (which has successfully replaced Cal Pol as his teething remedy, which we are very glad for as we were worried about the food colouring ect-what does a baby medicine need food colouring for anyway?? Hooray for naturopathic remedies!) and lots of cuddles and the poor mite is snoozing at last...I hope I haven't just jinxed myself! Hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

Have I mentioned how lucky I am?

Language Learning Methodology

This is just a special post on a specific subject I have on my mind, that I think some of my readers may find helpful in light of some of our recent discussions :)

I have had many people ask me how I have such skill learning languages, and the answer is quite simple really...I don't try nearly as hard as you'd think.
The first step is to gather your learning materials. I would advise against using programmes such as the Rosetta Stone because while it may help you gain a very basic vocabulary, it will not teach you grammar. Another thing that Rosetta Stone will not do is teach you practical phrases that you will need, realistically, in everyday conversation, even in travel. I will get into more details if anyone wants to know more about why Rosetta Stone and similar language programmes do not work, but this is the gyst of it. The best idea is to contact the Ministry of Integration, Language Dept. in a country whose language you are trying to learn and explain to them (these people speak English as part of their jobs, so don't worry about using a translator) what you are trying to learn and for what purposes I.E. "I want to learn enough Spanish to get by on a vacation to Guatemala in December" or "I am trying to learn and teach Italian to my 6 year old daughter, could you send me some resources that might appeal to her interests/education level?" most will be happy to oblige as they are  pleased to see others taking an interest in their culture and many of the things they will send you, due to the fact that they are experts in their fields, are totally free, best of all!

Now that you have your learning materials, the second step is to make a commitment to learn every day. Whether you take 10 minutes or 2 hours, learning needs to be consistent.

Thirdly and perhaps most importantly of all, you need to goof off. This might sound like the silliest advice, but it works. Take your time. Cut your language learning into easy to manage sections (if it has not already been done for you in whatever learning material you are using) I.E. groups of letters, vocabulary lists, grammar lections, ect. and take them one by one, day by day. Each day, focus on only one lesson. Mill everything over in your head slowly, take each thing in until you fully grasp what it means, but the most important thing is that you do not try too hard to remember anything. By all means, eat, have a record playing in the background, tap your feet, laugh at words in other languages that are reminiscent of swear words in your native language (you'd be surprised how many there are :)))) this is very difficult to wrap your head around doing at first and to let go of the idea of not trying to remember, but I guarantee you that it works. How does it work? Well, when you are enjoying yourself and relaxing, the information is more likely to stay with you than when you are putting stress on your brain. Think of when you are cramming for a test at the last minute, how much of the study session do you retain? Not very much, if anything. This works in precisely the same manner.

Now, when you feel you have thoroughly given a lesson the time and attention it deserves to soak into your brain, move onto the next lesson. If you have been a busy bee and have only had time for a few minutes to spend on it that day, do it again the next day, but don't do it for more than a few days in a row. Then, simply move onto the next lesson and do as you have been-relaxing and enjoying your language learning experience.

When approximately 2 weeks have gone by, go back to the 1st lesson and review. The reason for doing this is that you are moving the items you have learned in this lesson from your short term memory into your long term memory and as you delve into your language practice further, these terms and lessons will resurface naturally over the course and they will then resurface too in your mind - naturally!

This is based loosely on the Goldlist Method, developed by prof. Viktor Huliganov (search on youtube)

I hope this helps you all-enjoy and let me know how you are getting on!

Friday 16 September 2011

EC a success!

've got some great and exciting news for this week! We have on and off been trying E.C. with O.O. for a long time now, ever since we've learned about it pretty much but have not been very regular with it at all, as we've sort of figured that he would be ready when he was ready. Well, we were right :) on Tuesday, our little firehose took his first tinkle in his potty! We are so proud of him! Then, this morning (Friday) he made 2 tinkles in his potty! We are over the moon with pride, our little boy is so clever. He was so happy and eager to go out of his nappy, too (understandably-who wants to sit around in their own squish). We didn't have much difficulty at all-just made a few "sss" sounds and he went within a minute each time. Yay, Ozzie! I'm hearing most children are in nappies until they are around 5, I can't even imagine how difficult that must be considering how hard it is to wrestle our 10 month old out of his now. I love all the amazing things I've been studying every day and how much it's helped us in our parenting journey. Who would have thunk it.

We have also been trying to read more little books around here to O.O. as he is really getting on with his linguistic development. He is still obsessed with the word "Daddy"-cutie pie (and wakes Paul up every morning by bashing his arms down with a "HEY DADDY!!! HEEEEYYY!!! DADDY, HEY! HEY DADDY!!! HEEYYY!!...." [in other words, "why the hell are you still sleeping?!"]) I suppose he has always been quite a chatterbox, though.

On Wednesday morning we had a little bit of play time outside in the garden, I felt bad as it had been so long since we had really gotten outside but both Paul and I have been sick for ages. We were touching and exploring things outside-I tried letting O.O. go barefoot in the grass a bit but he thought it was a very strange sensation and kept stepping onto my feet so I picked him back up. As usual, he was drawn to all that is pink and wanted to touch all of the pink flowers. The brighter the better! We even saw a very cute little baby snail, but Ozzie was more interested in looking at the flowers.

I have been taking some rudimentary online Danish courses for a couple of weeks now as I have really wanted to have a second language in the home to speak with Osrid. It is really awesome and fun, one of the Home Ed Mums in the Faceboob group Learning Under The Trees sent me a link to the ones I am working on currently and I contacted the ministry of Danish integration, language department to ask them if they had any resources for teaching Osrid and they sent me some WONDERFUL computer games to use with him-so we started yesterday. He LOVES them! They are colourful and silly and very educational so we are both learning together. Yay! He isn't repeating anything quite yet but I can tell he really enjoys it so I think with time we will both get the hang of it. It's an important language to me because of what a special time Paul and I had there--er, and him too, since he was with us, just not out in the world yet!

I'm so excited for our little guy, he is doing so great :))


It's Friday, 16 September 2011.
I'm starting this blog mainly for our own purpouses, but for anyone who is curious as well to see how we are doing. I, Yardana, and my husband Paul are earthy/attachment-style parents who are currently loosely "unschooling" (to put it short, child-led home education) our 10 month old son, Osrid Olov. I plan on writing some bits and bobs about his development/progress, what we are doing ect. -just to have an overview of what we've done over time, collaborate with fellow home educating parents to gather and share fun ideas and share with family and friends. Hope you enjoy! :)