Friday 21 October 2011

Hello, Padstow ~ Goodbye, Looe

We have a new home!

We've relocated to Padstow, Cornwall. A sudden move, yes-but the Cornish Council decided to house us and we weren't exactly going to say no!
We have a gorgeous 2 story, 2br/2ba house with a teeny tiny backyard that has 2 sheds (one of which is reserved to be a fort...yes, a fort.
We have converted the downstairs living room into our bedroom because we like the open-ness, and we are going to create an "imagination room" which will one day be Osrid Olov's room when he decides he is ready for his own bedroom. This will be the YES room-we plan to have nothing in there that's dangerous to play near (I.E. television wires) but only toys and games and everything that CAN be done and played with and imagined. We just have to get this place carpeted...I can't believe they didn't do that for us. D'oh. Oh well, is quite lovely here (minus a few chavs). We're very close to the Tesco's too. We've gone 100% vegan, and for the first time in over 4 years I am starting to feel better...I feel full of life! I've been walking every day and cooking my own food...mostly raw, as well-I'm indexing my recipes, which you can find here. Tonight we had raw creamy corn chowder & cookies. Yummy. Osrid is doing great, he is standing up all on his own now; little boy is having his first birthday in two weeks! He is nearing the end of infancy...onward to toddlerhood. Oh my!


  1. Aww wow it sounds lovely where you are. I LOVE the idea of an Imagination/Yes room! I am guilty of saying No quite a lot, and often find myself questionning myself as to WHY I said no! lol. And I realise it is because I was brought up with people saying No, but often there was no explanation or even reason behind it, so I am going to make more of an effort to say Yes, but if I do need to say No I will explain why, and where possible offer a compromise. Out of interest what kinds of things would you put in an Imagination room? Or perhaps an Imagination Box? Which I can manage, just don't have a room going spare at the mo lol xx

  2. Thanks for your comment :) I too say no more often than I care to admit (which still is not very often compared to your average parent, but even still. That doesn't make it OK in my eyes) and I am working on changing it. An imagination room. Well, I am trying to think of where to get ahold of some foam strips to put around the bottom part of the wall so that our toddler doesn't bash his head/we don't need to say "be careful!" ect so much in this room, to start. He loves spiders (gee, our kid? nahhh...:P) so we want to make a big spider out of balls and foam sticks with glued on magnets (does that make any sense) so he can pull off the legs from the body and put them back on again. We'll make it green, one of his favourite colours. He also is OBSESSED with playing with big plastic bottles (like soda bottles except we don't drink soda so they were once filled with fizzy water lol) so we want to take some, cover them with papier mache, and then paint them with nontoxic pink (his first favourite colour, we are pretty sure) paint to make them even more fun. Want to put a soft pillowey playmat in there to roll around on, and maybe when he's older a small trampoline to bounce on? We'll keep a chest with his toys in there and then we will just add to it as we go along, with things that suit what O.O. is into ect. :)
