Tuesday 27 September 2011

Good Daddy!

Tuesday, 27 September: A special shoutout to wish a happy belated birthday to Osrid Olov's uncle Dodo, who turned 27 yesterday!
& Now the news: our little one has broken his record thus far and has made 7 tinkles on his potty today. Go Osrid! What a clever little tinkler. He said what had to be the cutest thing I think I have heard him say, when Paul praised him post tinkle with a "Good Ozzie!" he replied with a smile and said "Good Daddy!" "aww, why thank you 'Srid!" Doesn't that make your heart melt? It makes my heart melt.

We have been walking around quite a bit, which is really wearing and tearing my poor fibromyte (read: vax-injured) body, but I want to be better about getting O.O. out in the fresh air now that the sun is majoratively gone (sun allergies). All I want to do lately is sleep. It can so hard sometimes to do the right thing when you're ill, but Osrid Olov comes first and foremost in my life above all others, even myself, and it will always be so! I sure do love my kid, and I sure do feel lucky. It keeps raining when we go out though, which is frustrating as, well, as much as I love the cold I am not much for cold water. Drat.

A footnote, I had to add: I managed to catch one of the nasty gnats and tossed it into the web one of the spiders who lives in our bathroom. She ran out and wrapped it up right away and looked very happy, which sure made me happy too :D I love feeding spiders!
Our pretty little bathroom door spider

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