Saturday 24 September 2011

Rain Comes Down...

It's Saturday, 24 September.

I can't say I've had much news of interest to post as of late, I guess things have just been going as they should. Our little comrade Osrid Olov has been really expanding his vocabulary the past couple of days-oh the words he has been saying are absolutely out of this world! He is really testing out the beginning of the alphabet, using words like "Apple" and "Anger" (he really likes this one, but says it even when he is happy and giggling! Odd little man!!!). He is still saying "I like it" to so many things-he really likes the things he does and is so very passionate. Just like his Mommy :)

We took a little walk downtown today, just the two of us-Paul was a bit worn out feeling-there was some music festival going on but it was not very loud nor was it that crowded considering. It was a busy day, but, for what it was, not very bad at all-no more so than your usual summer day full of out-of-towners. The strange part was that Adrian Edmonson (Eddie from Bottom) was, supposedly, down in Looe today-considering this you would think it would have been PACKED, right? I didn't even know he was down there, but Paul told me after I had already got home. That is a real shame as I would have liked to have seen him. We might go back though, he is supposed to be here through the weekend.We'll see. We saw Claire downtown today, which was nice especially as I don't think she has met O.O. yet, and she let me use her phone since I needed to get ahold of Paul. It started to rain while we were out, I wished I had taken a better jacket for O.O., but I just decided to head back (in a taxicab) early. Osrid was so very quiet and well behaved-and shy, as he always is whenever I take him anywhere. My cute little guy didn't make a peep until we got back inside...and then he was back chattering away, telling Daddy all about how his walk went. "DADDY, HI! HEY DADDY, HEEY!"...that's my boy.

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