Tuesday 20 September 2011

2 1/2 New Friends :) (or should I say 6?!)

I haven't posted in a couple of days!

Sunday was a nice day spent lazing around at home-well, somewhat-Osrid Olov wasn't lazing-when is he ever? He was playing and chattering and standing as always. He was LOVING his Danish computer games that we play at www.emu.dk and didn't want to do anything else for ages, which made me very happy. I love that he is so interested in it too. Pottying went well-we got another 4 tinkles, no plops though.

Yesterday was so lovely...what fun we had! Osrid had a shower and got to play his Dansk lessons and we went out in the afternoon to visit our lovely friends Mr. & Mrs. Sands which have just now moved over to the West side of town, which is wonderful as we can walk to their house in about 15 minutes. We saw some BEAUTIFUL spiders on the walk over! One was almost as big as my fist, I have never seen one so big in Cornwall before. I don't know what type she was but fortunately I managed to snap a photo(above) there was also a very cute little one adjacent to it that I had to photograph, too.

We were really glad to get to go and visit James and Sam especially as they have announced a couple of weeks ago that they are pregnant!!! Which means Osrid will have a new friend along shortly. It made us SO happy to have someone nearby to talk to about parenting and kid stuff and them too. This was Osrid's first time meeting them; he just loves them, and I am just elated that they share our views on gentle parenting. I worry when I have friends who get pregnant that they will be the type of parents who religiously follow the advice from the likes of Gina Ford & Tizzie Hall and leave them to cry & scream themselves to sleep until they are internally silenced. I have lost friends over some of my extreme views but despite that I respect people handling things differently I could never condone the sad and blatant neglectfulness that the majority of the western world seems to practice these days-which just makes me so feel so warm and fuzzy when I meet other people who are actually truly happy to have their children. A huge congratulations to James & Sam!

Paul went to see the doc & tell her we are not seeing Osrid's HV (nasty wench...) anymore. She was fine with that but was insistent we wean Osrid...this is the 3rd time I've heard a health professional mention weaning at a year or earlier, it doesn't surprise me the breastfeeding rates are so low in this country with such unsupportive doctors and "health" visitors. It must be illegal to give that kind of advice since it goes against World Health Organisation recommendations!! It seems insane...thankfully I know better than to listen. She wants to see O. but, unless he breaks a leg or something *touches wood* we don't plan on it. I'm glad Paul sees eye to eye with me with pretty much everything regarding our little one. I am so lucky. <3

We also had a nice little walk on the quay-I always love looking at the sailboats on the sea side, but I can't help that they make me nostalgic missing my dear old Dad. Heck.

We didn't get to bed until midnight which has been very late considering we've been falling asleep at dusk recently (strange, right-but we fall asleep whenever Osrid happens to.) This morning we got 2 tinkles on the potty so far, yesterday we only managed to get 3 for the whole day but that was probably because we were out. He also made a bit of a pooey gooey mess, augh, the joys of being a parent (Paul is at a seminar)...so it was shower time for BOTH of us again...my goodness. I am so tired, but I really do have the cutest time eater in all the land. Oh, and we have another spider that Paul found crawling across the floor of the bathroom this morning- she appears to be carrying a little egg sac of her own!! Aww!

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