Friday 16 September 2011

EC a success!

've got some great and exciting news for this week! We have on and off been trying E.C. with O.O. for a long time now, ever since we've learned about it pretty much but have not been very regular with it at all, as we've sort of figured that he would be ready when he was ready. Well, we were right :) on Tuesday, our little firehose took his first tinkle in his potty! We are so proud of him! Then, this morning (Friday) he made 2 tinkles in his potty! We are over the moon with pride, our little boy is so clever. He was so happy and eager to go out of his nappy, too (understandably-who wants to sit around in their own squish). We didn't have much difficulty at all-just made a few "sss" sounds and he went within a minute each time. Yay, Ozzie! I'm hearing most children are in nappies until they are around 5, I can't even imagine how difficult that must be considering how hard it is to wrestle our 10 month old out of his now. I love all the amazing things I've been studying every day and how much it's helped us in our parenting journey. Who would have thunk it.

We have also been trying to read more little books around here to O.O. as he is really getting on with his linguistic development. He is still obsessed with the word "Daddy"-cutie pie (and wakes Paul up every morning by bashing his arms down with a "HEY DADDY!!! HEEEEYYY!!! DADDY, HEY! HEY DADDY!!! HEEYYY!!...." [in other words, "why the hell are you still sleeping?!"]) I suppose he has always been quite a chatterbox, though.

On Wednesday morning we had a little bit of play time outside in the garden, I felt bad as it had been so long since we had really gotten outside but both Paul and I have been sick for ages. We were touching and exploring things outside-I tried letting O.O. go barefoot in the grass a bit but he thought it was a very strange sensation and kept stepping onto my feet so I picked him back up. As usual, he was drawn to all that is pink and wanted to touch all of the pink flowers. The brighter the better! We even saw a very cute little baby snail, but Ozzie was more interested in looking at the flowers.

I have been taking some rudimentary online Danish courses for a couple of weeks now as I have really wanted to have a second language in the home to speak with Osrid. It is really awesome and fun, one of the Home Ed Mums in the Faceboob group Learning Under The Trees sent me a link to the ones I am working on currently and I contacted the ministry of Danish integration, language department to ask them if they had any resources for teaching Osrid and they sent me some WONDERFUL computer games to use with him-so we started yesterday. He LOVES them! They are colourful and silly and very educational so we are both learning together. Yay! He isn't repeating anything quite yet but I can tell he really enjoys it so I think with time we will both get the hang of it. It's an important language to me because of what a special time Paul and I had there--er, and him too, since he was with us, just not out in the world yet!

I'm so excited for our little guy, he is doing so great :))

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