Sunday 12 February 2012

Osrid Olov, 1 1/4 Years Old

Osrid Olov, 1 1/4 (15 months) Old:
Takes 2 naps a day, most days
Loves to go outside and wants to walk, with no help, as far as he possibly can.
Thinks "peek-a-boo" is hilarious
Has no inhibitions expressing emotions-howls with laughter, says "HHHHMMMMMM!!!" when he is happy or thinking, cuddles and softly pets his parents hair and faces, stomps the ground when angry, cries when sad (thankfully, not often).
Throws his whole body into dancing
Likes how his hair feels, rubs his head often
Is shy and serious around strangers (and neither of these things at home)
Does yoga at random (downward dog)
Says "Daddy" as often as possible
Likes to point with his index finger
Most days, does a great job at going tinkle on the potty (and claps for himself!)
Is very calm and reserved outside the house!
Is a FANTASTIC drummer (and keyboardist, and xylophonist too but best on the drums!)
Favourite activities include: pulling wipes out, shredding toilet roll, "typing" (bashing) the keyboard, dancing, taking walks, chattering up a storm, humming songs, making funny faces, poking Mummy's nose, taking showers & baths, playing with cups and spoons.
Least favourite things include: Mummy going to the loo, closing doors and cabinets gently, getting dressed
Loves everything pink and everything green, including grass and plants
Is both wild and respectful
COLLECTS spoons o_O
Favourite food is Mama's milk!
Sensitive to other people when they're in pain
Loves cuddles and tickles and having fun!
---& Did I mention, he is VERY loved!


  1. What a wonderful way to keep a record. What a lovely child you have.

    1. Why thank you, what a very sweet thing to say! :)
