Tuesday 21 February 2012

Spoon Feeding...Mummy?

I thought that some day, my dear son would start to imitate his father and I in his eating habits-we eat the majority of our meals from bowls, with spoons. Well, there I was; sitting on the bed eating a bowl of muesli when my son climbs onto the bed, stands up and walks to me, and grabs the spoon. Though, he was not out to feed himself-he scooped up some muesli and took it to MY mouth! I ate it, thanked him, and he proceeded to feed me 7 more tiny mouthfuls. This made a big mess, and there are still muesli flakes scattered about, but the act itsself was so incredible and sweet and loving that I don't mind the mess a bit. I am very impressed that he has learned to feed me!

O.O. has been getting into the act of opening and closing everything-he has done this for a while now, but he is really exploring it. He now eagerly awaits his evening walks so much that, after one of us has turned the knob, he will open the door from it being entirely closed. I am sure that, given his independent nature, he will learn all too early how to pull the knob and looking after his safety will become even more of a handful (don't get me wrong, it's the most wonderful handful I've ever had). He is, much to our neighbours' dismay, opening and too roughly closing the cabinet doors for half the nights these days (since he makes his own bedtime)-and showing him to explore *gently* sure is a challenge! Like all things he learns, though; I am sure he'll get the hang of it soon as long as we are patient.

Things we've done lately:
Evening walks, at least 4 days a week.
Grocery shopped
Spent time visiting with friends outside of Tesco's (loitering really!)
Regular free-play time upstairs in the play room
Visited the library to read a book and play in the park
Watched cartoons in Danish (TinTin anyone? :)), to expose O.O. to foreign language
Played with musical instruments
-and O.O. even got a lovely new cloud plush, kudos to my dear friend Heidi, which he loves. It came with a tiny story book, which we've read together. Lots of fun!

(Just the usual kind of stuff really, but I find it handy to re-cap and remind myself of all he's been doing and learning :))

Sunday 12 February 2012

Osrid Olov, 1 1/4 Years Old

Osrid Olov, 1 1/4 (15 months) Old:
Takes 2 naps a day, most days
Loves to go outside and wants to walk, with no help, as far as he possibly can.
Thinks "peek-a-boo" is hilarious
Has no inhibitions expressing emotions-howls with laughter, says "HHHHMMMMMM!!!" when he is happy or thinking, cuddles and softly pets his parents hair and faces, stomps the ground when angry, cries when sad (thankfully, not often).
Throws his whole body into dancing
Likes how his hair feels, rubs his head often
Is shy and serious around strangers (and neither of these things at home)
Does yoga at random (downward dog)
Says "Daddy" as often as possible
Likes to point with his index finger
Most days, does a great job at going tinkle on the potty (and claps for himself!)
Is very calm and reserved outside the house!
Is a FANTASTIC drummer (and keyboardist, and xylophonist too but best on the drums!)
Favourite activities include: pulling wipes out, shredding toilet roll, "typing" (bashing) the keyboard, dancing, taking walks, chattering up a storm, humming songs, making funny faces, poking Mummy's nose, taking showers & baths, playing with cups and spoons.
Least favourite things include: Mummy going to the loo, closing doors and cabinets gently, getting dressed
Loves everything pink and everything green, including grass and plants
Is both wild and respectful
COLLECTS spoons o_O
Favourite food is Mama's milk!
Sensitive to other people when they're in pain
Loves cuddles and tickles and having fun!
---& Did I mention, he is VERY loved!