Saturday 7 January 2012

Walking, foods, sharks...the usual ;)

O.O. is learning a lot lately (but then, what else is new?)-he has been really into taking walks outside now that he has the confidence to do so and is learning about safety outside (not to touch garbage ect, holding hands near busy streets, looking both ways before crossing ect.) I love how happy it makes him. We try and buy our groceries in increments just to give us an excuse to get out most days, a nice little walk to the store, around the neighbourhood and back.

I've also been cooking new foods-I aim to try something new every few days or so, I think it keeps things interesting and helps me cultivate my culinary skills. Plus, Ozzie LOVES the kitchen. Today I made a red lentil mash.

Today we watched a very interesting documentary about the real life story behind Jaws, and how the movie has influenced our cultures' attitudes towards the ocean. It is very sad, as prior to the movie people had little to no fear about swimming in the ocean, and shark hunting only happened as a rarity-now it is done as a commonality and people take pride in killing them, humans have become what they fear of sharks. I had never really given this much thought but it makes me very sad for them!

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