Friday 18 November 2011

What Have We Been Up To...

I have not posted on here in a while, and I should be more regularly as I am also using this as a log for myself to look back upon Osrid Olov's progresses in life. Things, however, have been so busy!

This little guy is walking now; REALLY walking, and it's getting so hard to keep up with him. Just now he is running around the living room and kitchen in front of us-it is fascinating watching him run around.

He has a wonky leg, which I am a bit worried about-he walks sideways often and lifts the leg out to the side. This is the leg that got lodged up in me during late pregnancy and broke 2 of my ribs (1 of which is dislocated still). I want to take him to a chiropractor but, aside from the fact that we have no money; there are none anywhere near us or any of the out of town bus stops for that matter. Poor little 'Sriddle.

We have been trying play with him in his playroom for some time every day now that it is all made up-he goes nuts and wants to run and stomp everywhere. He is finally using his toy lawnmower toy in it's intended purpouse (standing up and pushing it around). Soooo cute. He brings me little books to read but is not very interested in books right now so I only get through a few pages of the stories at a time and he is wanting to do something else already. I am not worried about this though, I am sure his attention span will grow with time.

I try to take him outside as much as I can but we don't even have proper shoes for him yet so it is hard as he is getting very heavy (20 lbs of kid now). He will get some soon though, I think ;) I just hope he does OK with walking when we go outside as he has been going through a phase now of getting very upset a lot of the time that I am not holding him on my hip (and no-one else will do, only Mummy...sometimes taking a bathroom break can get rough, but I am never gone for more than a minute-nor do I want to be).

And that's the news...I love my little 'Sriddle Kiddle.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

My Little Guy is 1!

I cannot believe it-officially a toddler.
We had a lovely day yesterday. Osrid Olov opened presents-he got so much stuff! A new outfit, new cloth nappies, a DJ station toy (he is REALLY into making music) with like 80 gazillion sound effects, a cuddly colourful spider with a mirror on the belly, new slippers, and a swim spider (octopus) that he picked out at a shoppe window from Mum & Dad, Grandparents on Dad's side gave him a wooden Xylophone (more music stuff, cool!) and toy cars, uncle Matthew got him a stacking animal toy set, Grandad on my side sent some $ (which no doubt he will blow at the casino when we are asleep), and great grandparents on my side seem to have sent a bit of that too-and we also got some nice cards from everyone. Thanks everybody!

It was raining, as it always seems to in North Cornwall (seriously. EVERY. DAY.), so instead of going to the Newquay aquarium like we had planned we decided to just bundle O.O. up and take him for a walk downtown. It is the first time we have been down there because it is a little bit of a walk away, but it is quite nice. Lots of ships on the quay. The people are very friendly here, which is nice. We all got quite winded at the end of the walk but fortunately some nice people at a seafood restaurant (ironic) called a cab for us.

We did a hand and foot print of Osrid's with carob powder and water-I forgot to buy paint but it is just as well, less of a carbon footprint this way I suppose. Totally nontoxic and Ozzie liked making a mess with it.

I can't help being a bit is hard for a mother watching her babe grow. I sort of wish he could stay small forever, he is so sweet and cute and special. <3 Aww, my little boy! Just don't grow up too fast...