Monday 10 June 2013

Osrid Olov, 2 3/4

I feel a bit guilty as I've been meaning to do this for a very long fact, I was hoping to do this every few months, to chronicle the changes in my sweet son in a cute little way. Well, life has gotten in the way, I've been tired, I've been scatterbrained, busy, this that and the other thing.....but this is so hopefully I will kick myself in the pants to do it any case, I am doing it now....

Osrid Olov, 2 3/4 Years Old.

Loves his 'Tars (guitar shirts) SO much (taking them off is a very hard time, too, bless him!)
Kisses Mum & Dad with either his lips OR his head-saying "mmmUH"
...and sometimes does so repeatedly, really really fast. MUHMUHMUHMUHMUH! 5x
Favourite taste other than mamas milk is coconut water, and he will drink a whole can at a time!!
Loves taking baths
Loves water play
Says "wheeeeeeee!" when he moves around in a fun way
Make-believes that his hand is a car-it is, isn't it?-all the time!!!
The hand-car's favourite places to drive are through the bathwater and in mummy's hair...of course.
Is a fantastic little helper and finds the vacuum to be a great source of entertainment
A biphasal sleeper with a 26h (approx) circadian rhythm
He is an old soul...and feels the heaviness of being one
Loves baking w/mum-and is shockingly good at measuring!!
HATES having his hands fiddled with in any way (getting them clean has taken some creative thinking!)
Absolutely HAS to go for a walk.
         Every day.
                   On his favourite path.
...unless HE decides otherwise. Of course.
Is still a very picky eater.
...but loves cookies ("free-from"!)
Asks "wwwhhhhyyy?" about 100x a day
There is a funny game he invented that we like to play downstairs, it goes like this:
He has a car with one hand, I have one car, and he has a car with the other. We stack them up on top of each other and, they go "flying" in the air backwards and we say "aaaaaahhhh!!!!"-sometimes hollering it, and sometimes almost saying it in a whisper. Depending on his levels? I don't know...but it is so cute and fun and funny and I love to do it because it makes me laugh.
The vacuum cleaner is sooo funny!
--he is very good at using it too-bwahaha....soon I can simply lay back and relax...
Make-believe sneezing on someone/thing is a blessing. He likes to stop to extend his arm and say "ah..ahh...AHH-GO!", opening then his hand as if sprinkling fairy dust, upon people and things that he likes...and then he waves-"BUH-bye."  He thinks it is very exciting when I *actually* sneeze. We imitate the sounds around the house, because it's lots of fun and silly. "Ah---GO!" he says. "I GO!" *ACHOOOOO* "AhGO!"
This boy is awfully clumbsy, and prone to lots of bumps and bruises.
...but then, it isn't easy being 2!
Expresses every emotion with his whole body-a very intense boy-who knows where he gets it? :)
Emotitive empathy far, far beyond his years...
Very fearless and over cautious in completely backwards ways (me too, sometimes)-it's a good thing to have each other, very much
He has only just so soon began to climb the stairs again after regaining his confidence to do so and has another favourite game for on them: "Bubble" (thus the word!) I throw plastic balls up the stairs, trying to get them to land still. He throws them down, trying to throw them past me. He will throw lots down and I will throw lots up all at once and it gets to be a very busy game-when we get to the last bubble, the rules change-I try and throw the ball past him and he tries to throw it past me, and whoever gets it past the other wins-this is according to his nonverbal gestures!!! Incredible, right?? It is very challenging and actually very fun-he is so clever, I don't know how he comes up with these things, but it is really very cool!
He doesn't have an easy time with other kids-like me-we are on the wrong planet?
He loves riding on my back for nature hikes
Water play is the best...especially if it involves making a huge mess on the kitchen floor :P
Sometimes-he has such a hard time-because he cannot talk so much but a few words...but he can hum words, and when he tries hard enough, he can communicate what he needs. He is a very smart guy! He has even hummed that he loves me :)
...and he is still JABBERING in a Danish accent!! "A bee der boh, skee der skoh, I go, lee dll oohhh.." No Danish wrds, only jabber-per haps he will be good in acting some day ?
Sprinkles "magic blueberries" (invisible) on his favourite cars in the neighbourhood when we go for walks
Has a very tickly spot just beneath his precious toes, and how he loves to have them tickled!
Tucks me in with a special blanket every time he nurses
Dances with the pure joy that he feels from his heart
Wears his heart on his sleeve, the beautiful soul that he is
Osrid Olov, 2 3/4 Years Old.

I wish I could bottle you up and keep this time forever-please always be my wonderful you!